Pre-GAC Prep Questions

The purpose of this survey is to help your League staff manage attendance at hill visits during GAC. This is a tremendous logistical challenge, with 250+ credit union advocates on the hill and 55+ members of Congress that often cannot lock in meeting times until the day before.

While we have a list of registrants for GAC, we don’t know which of those registrants will be attending hill visits. Also, sometimes people are in DC that aren’t registered for the conference. For these reasons, below we ask for those who will be attending the hill visits.

While we strive to accommodate all preferences for hill visits, please note that we cannot always succeed. Many Congressional offices limit how many people can attend a meeting. If we accommodated all preferences, there would be 200 people in some meetings, and 0 in others.

You, our credit unions, hire us to coordinate and improve advocacy for you. It’s our duty to ensure that hill visits are as effective as possible. Sometimes this means we have to make assignments that prioritize the industry over individual preferences.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and for understanding the difficulty of this unique challenge for our staff.

pre-GAC survey
The main point of contact should be a person who will be in DC during the GAC. This person will be asked to help gather the home addresses of others from their credit union. Congressional offices always ask for the home addresses of meeting attendees to ensure a constituent is present.

Who from your credit union will be attending hill visits? Click the “add” button to add more people.

Are your team members willing to split up and attend different meetings?
This is often necessary to ensure we can meet with all necessary lawmakers within the available timeframes.
Please note that we cannot always accommodate all preferences. Many offices limit how many people can attend a meeting. If we accommodated all preferences, there would be 200 people in some meetings, and 0 in others. Thank you for understanding.
We are scheduling a meeting with the NCUA and CFPB. Would you be interested in asking the regulator a question at this meeting?
Please note this is a well-attended event, so the audience may be 110+ people.