Hi Heather,
My board has asked me to look into student loans. Can we even do it? How would I write a great Policy for this that makes the NCUA happy?
Great Question!
Many credit unions try to avoid making inadvertent private education (PE) loans. They aren’t incredibly difficult, they just require specific disclosures that some CUs aren’t prepare to provide.
So that’s the first bit – the disclosures. PE loans are covered by Reg Z – so Reg Z disclosures will be required just like any other consumer loan. You will also want to become familiar with Subpart F of Regulation Z.
Three separate disclosures are required for PE loans:
The approval and final disclosures are transaction specific, so you will need to find a document provider to provide these disclosures, and you will need to have them mapped to your origination system (I don’t suggest you try to fill these disclosures in by hand). Part of the disclosures also require you to provide information on the costs of alternate Federal Student loans – so you will need to find out how to get that information from the Department of Education.
You can view the sample disclosures forms here.
Other things: