Ignite Series Gathers Like-minded Professionals For Great Learning Opportunity

We had another Ignite Series Training this week with Juan Bendana. He discussed “Finding the Energy and Confidence to Lead” and stressed the importance of showing up with energy and intention. Juan left us with some great takeaways, including his “Five Traits of Effective Leaders”:
1 – Don’t be interesting be interested
2 – Celebrate Differences
3 – Be an Enthusiastic Expert
4 – Have a Strong Why
5 – Have & Give Confidence Capital 
We were able to learn with 43 attendees from 6 different credit unions. 
Our next Ignite Event will be August 8th, “Self Care & Compassion” with Ty Reed. He will be teaching us about mental health and its impact on organizational success, how to safe guard our own mental health and how to help colleagues who are struggling. Hope you can join us!