Does the new CFPB Payday Lending Rule Apply to your Credit Union?

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Question: Hi Heather. I feel like I am late to the game here, because I am just hearing about the CFPB Payday Lending Rule. I am trying to understand how this will affect our credit union. I’m especially concerned because the credit union offers longer-term balloon payment, closed-end loans for RVs. If we offer refinance […]

Private Education Loans

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Question: Hi Heather, My board has asked me to look into student loans. Can we even do it? How would I write a great Policy for this that makes the NCUA happy? Great Question! Many credit unions try to avoid making inadvertent private education (PE) loans. They aren’t incredibly difficult, they just require specific disclosures that some CUs […]

Unauthorized Card Transactions Vs Consumer Negligence

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Question: Hi Heather, Our member is disputing a PIN-based debit card transaction. The member told us that he wrote his PIN on the back of the card that was stolen. Do we still have to refund the charges? Great Question! Unfortunately, the answer is yes. The transaction you describe is an unauthorized electronic funds transfer […]

Reg Z and Rental Property

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Question: Hi Heather, Question about Reg Z disclosures. The borrower is using his primary residence to purchase an investment property he plans to rent. Since the purpose of the loan is a business loan, would we still need to send out Reg Z disclosures? I just wasn’t sure because it’s a primary residence that he […]

Currency Transaction Reports For Non-Members

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Question: Heather, We had a non-member cash a check that was written to him from a credit union account in the amount of $25,000. Are we required to file a Currency Transaction Report (CTR) for this non-member? We have his license, but we do not have his Social Security Number (SSN) and the CTR system […]

Ability to Pay rules for Secured Credit Cards

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Question: Hi Heather,  I have a question regarding a new credit card product that we are about to launch.  This card will have a pledge of shares to back it as collateral. Because of this we will not require a credit pull or verification of income.  Will this create a problem if the applicant is […]

SCRA and Career Servicemembers

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Question: Hey Heather! We have a member currently serving full time in the US Army. He just got orders for an overseas deployment and will be leaving on the 26th of this month. He currently has a signature loan and an auto loan with the credit union. Is this when we lower his rate to […]