And so it begins–2023 Legislative Session

It’s day 1 of the 2023 Utah state legislative session. We’ve been tracking the movement of several potential bills. At least one just made the leap from idea to bill. Here’s what we’re seeing right out of the gate: SB 97 Public Contract Requirements: This is the first in a series of bills we call […]
HMDA again?

Q. Heather, I’ve heard some noise about HMDA (the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Regulation C). What are the changes? How can I tell if my credit union has to report HMDA data? A. Great Questions! Oh boy! Yes, there has been some movement with HMDA in the past few weeks. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau […]
HMDA Reporting with Multiple Properties

Q. Heather, I have a HMDA (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act) Question. What if we have a member that is using a residential investment property for collateral to buy another residential investment property. Since the funds were used for a residential purchase would we need to report it for HMDA? A. Really great question. For business […]