@Lunch Networking Hosts Accounting Professionals

In a cozy @Lunch Networking round table, yesterday, accounting professionals from nine credit unions sat down to enjoy a sandwich and some good discussion on a range of topics.

Conversation covered the sale leaseback of buildings, ALM practices, investment strategies, brokers, service providers, and ideas surrounding non-interest income and net interest margin.

The round table is the fourth in a series of @Lunch Networking lunches designed to bring credit union professionals together, to help build their network and share ideas. The group agreed that it would be helpful to gather again in about six months—in the month not following a quarter-end.

The next CFO/Accounting/ALM @Lunch Networking has been scheduled for November 12 at noon. Registration is open, here. Other round tables are scheduled for:

At the close of today’s @Lunch Networking, attendees were asked to share the spreadsheet they were most proud of. Most of them gave a self-deprecating laugh. Most of them.