GAC Guide 2024

Here you are in DC, for the GAC.

Of course you’re here for the conference and visits with our delegation. There are details about that, below. But while you’re here, you might as well make the most of the experience. So, there are also details about how to make your time all that much more enjoyable.

Utah Delegation and Meetings

Greeting the elected representatives is an important part of the trip. Learn more about them here.

GAC Info

The GAC is what draws us to DC in the first place. Here you can get information about the largest conference in the industry.

Association Team Members

You’re not alone. In fact, you’ve got a at least three credit union friends in town. Feel free to reach out to them.

Getting Around DC

Here are a few tips to help you get around in an unfamiliar city.


No question about it: DC is a town for great dining. We’ve got some suggestions.


Bored? It’s not the town’s fault. Here are some things you might try out.

Sunday night reception and tour

Join us at Credit Union House on Sunday, 8 p.m. – 9 p.m., for dessert and further updates on the week’s events. 

Credit Union House is a great little venue owned by leagues and America’s Credit Unions, and just off Capitol Hill. Learn more here:

We’ll provide a shuttle to and from the AC Hotel for the event at Credit Union House. It will leave the AC Hotel at 7:45 p.m. Meet in the hotel lobby to catch a ride. We’ll leave Credit Union House at 9 p.m., and you can ride the shuttle back even if you didn’t ride it earlier.

While we have a shuttle on Sunday night, we’d like to invite you to join us on a tour of a few of the city’s monuments. We typically stop at the Marine Corps, Air Force, Pentagon 9/11, and Lincoln memorials. To go on the tour, just stay on the shuttle instead of getting off at the hotel. We hope to be back to the hotel by midnight. Be sure to dress warmly and wear walking shoes!

The Utah Delegation and Meetings

The most important part of our trip to DC is the time spent with our federal delegation. Rusty Cannon is currently arranging those meetings. Details will be posted here when they become available.

 Details Forthcoming.

As the meetings draw closer,  we will hone the topics for discussion, and post them here.

During our meetings, the opportunity will be ours to build the relationships, emphasize the credit union difference, and demonstrate how important credit unions are to Utahns.

Every day, our federal delegation members are presented with angry, hard-hitting demands from constituent groups. We, the credit union delegation, prefer to have a friendly, conversational meeting with our representatives — an approach that has received rave reviews from staff members and representatives, and helped us build strong relationships.

The Association president, Rusty Cannon will typically lead/moderate the discussion, and invite comments from the group as appropriate. You’ll probably have an opportunity to ask questions or make comments. If you do, be respectful of the representative, and keep remarks germane to credit unions.

Our Federal Delegation

House District 1: Blake Moore

Washington, DC Office:
1320 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-0453
Fax: 202-225-5857

Ogden District Office:
324 25th Street
Ogden, UT 84401

phone: 801-625-0107
Fax: 385-405-2155

House District 2: Celeste Maloy
Celeste Maloy

Washington, DC Office:
166 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-9730

Bountiful City Office:
585 West 500 South #230
Bountiful, UT 84010
Phone: 801-364-5550

St. George Office:
253 West St. George Boulevard, Suite 100
St. George, UT 84770
Phone: 435-627-1500

House District 3: Mike Kennedy
House District 4: Burgess Owens
Senate: John Curtis

Washington, DC Office:
SR-B11 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5251

Senate: Mike Lee

Washington, DC Office:
361A Russel Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-5444

Ogden Office:
James V. Hansen Federal Building
324 25th Street, Suite #1410
Ogden, UT 84401

Phone: 801-392-9633
Fax: 801-392-9630

Salt Lake City Office:
Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building
125 S. State Street, Suite 4225
Salt Lake City, UT 84138

Phone: 801-524-5933
Fax: 801-524-5730

St. George Office:
Office of Senator Michael S. Lee
196 East Tabernacle Street, Suite 21
St. George, UT 84770

Phone: 435-628-5514

The Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC)

Alright! Yes! This is what we’re here for! The biggest event in credit unions!

  • GAC schedule
  • America’s Credit Unions usually has a mobile app for GAC: at either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. We’ll link to them when they’re released.
  • Attendee Info page
  • The first thing to do when you arrive at the conference is to get registered. Registration is on the main floor, at the south end of the conference center—before you go up the stairs or escalators. You can check in as early as noon on Sunday.
  • Meals: Conference admission includes breakfast Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and lunch on Monday and Tuesday.
  • Don’t miss this: The Monday morning general session is the big one, with a certain amount of pageantry. Flags are marched in. The National Anthem is played by an outstanding military outfit. The Pledge of Allegiance is recited. It’s a real show. The CEO of America’s Credit Unions, Jim Nussle, will say a few words. There may be other short presentations. Sit back and enjoy it. During the last part, the main keynote speaker will address the crowd.
  • Structure of sessions: Note that general sessions typically include a number of presentations, including an anchor attraction. Almost always, the anchor attraction—the big name—happens at the tail end of that general session. 
  • Dress is typically business casual, but there will be people there in jeans and golf shirts, and suits and ties. Note that when visiting the federal delegation, business attire is appropriate.
  • Exhibit hall: If you’re interested in browsing the exhibit hall, and plan to stop and chat with exhibitors, it’s worth arriving early. If there are specific exhibitors you would like to visit, refer to the materials in the mobile app or those given to you when you check in.
  • Bypass the gauntlet: Maybe you’re in a hurry. Maybe you don’t want to have to avoid making eye contact with people. The good news is that you don’t have to pass through the vendor area to get to the main conference area. If, facing the entrance of the vendor area with security guards, you turn left, you can follow the hallway and walk around the exhibitor hall, and enter the back of the main hall.

Utah Association Team Members

These members of your Association team are in DC, and available to help you with any question you may have.

Scott Simpson

Cell: (801) 243-1200

Rusty Cannon
Rusty Cannon

Cell: 801-721-7136

Stephen Nelson

Executive Vice President, Credit Union Support
Cell: 801-243-3118

Getting Around DC

It can be intimidating to get around the town. Here are a few thoughts.

Uber and Lyft are great resources in DC. Just specify your destination, and tell the app to find you a driver. The app tells you how soon a driver will be there, and you sit back and wait. You do have to have a user account for the service, and have to enter a credit card, so it’s useful to set up the service before you actually need it.

You can hail a taxi—just like you’ve seen in the movies. When you spot a taxi with the light on its roof turned ON, wave your hand at it. Hopefully it will see you and stop! You’ll feel strange and self-conscious the first few times you do it, but it’s really a thing.

If that fails, you can call taxi companies at:


If you need to go further out, or just want the freedom of your own car for a day, you can try these companies:

DC has an excellent public transportation system that can get you within walking distance of a lot of great places. Besides, it’s a badge of honor to learn how to use the Metro!

  • Metro rail: the subway system has many stops around town, and can get you to some far-flung places, as well. We could share links to all kinds of information, but it’s probably just easiest if you download the DC Metro and Bus app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Maps apps, such as Google Maps and Apple Maps, can also provide directions using public transit. But wait! There’s more! You can also add your SmarTrip card (a re-loadable pass to the public transit) to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay, for easy transactions.
  • AMTRAK: this train service can take you long distances.
  • MARC: another train service for longer trips
  • Virginia Rail Express: a third train service to the Northern Virginia suburbs, Alexandria, Crystal City, and DC.

Hoofing it is a great way to get around town–just be sure to gauge the distance with an app. Appearances can be deceiving. For example, the walk from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol building is 2.1 miles. 😳 Hope you’ve got good shoes!

Primer on understanding DC addresses

We get it. Utah has it good. Streets are generally arranged neatly, with a perfectly coherent numbering system. Washington DC, on the other hand, feels like a chaotic mess of streets and numbers and directions.

  • The central location: In DC, the central point around which addresses are organized, is the Capitol Building, where Congress meets.
  • Quadrants: Addresses are divided into four quadrants, relative to the Capitol Building: Northwest (NW), Southwest (SW), Northeast (NE), and Southeast (SE). 
  • Capitol Street marks the dividing line between different quadrants. North Capitol Street divides the northern half of the city between west and east, and South Capitol Street divides the southern half of the city between west and east. On the East side of the Capitol, north and south are divided by East Capitol Street. The western side of the city does not have a West Capitol Street. Instead, north and south are divided by the National Mall. 
  • It is a grid: Despite how it feels when you’re walking the city, most of the streets are arranged in a north-south, east-west fashion.
  • East-west streets: Streets to the north and south of the Capitol are labeled with letters of the alphabet, and the further from the Capitol, the further down the alphabet they are. However, unless an address is exactly on a corner, how far north or south will be communicated with a number, where the hundreds place corresponds with the letter’s place in the alphabet. A is 100, B is 200, C is 300, and so on. So, a number of 750 would be the 7th block from the capitol, about half way to the next block–halfway between G (7th street) and H (8th street). Complicating this is that there is no J street, so any number after I is actually one block sooner than you would think.
  • North-south streets: Streets to the east and west of the Capitol have a number, and the further from the Capitol, the larger the number. Numbering of specific locations are given in hundreds, even though the streets aren’t. So, for example, addresses on the block between 13th street and 14th street will have numbers between 1300 and 1400. 
  • Diagonals: There are also diagonal streets, generally (but not always) labeled as avenues. These are named after states. Some of them “rise” as they move from west to east, others “descend”. Pennsylvania avenue, the most famous, heads from northwest to southeast, and intersects both the White House and the Capitol Building. Maryland Avenue, heading southwest from the Capitol, roughly leads to the Jefferson Memorial.


Those few tips will get you pretty far. It also explains why there are multiple C or D or 3rd or 4th streets: there are lettered streets north and south of the Capitol, and numbered streets both east and west of the Capitol. In Salt Lake City, it’s like having a 600 North and 600 South. Both are 600s, but one is north, and one is south. In DC, in theory, there could be four 657 10th streets. One each in NW, SW, NE, and SE.

So, for example, PEPCO Credit Union is located at 701 9th St NW. Here’s how we decode it:

  • From the NW, we know that the street is in the northwest quadrant.
  • From the 9th St we know that it’s 9 blocks west of the Capitol.
  • From the 701, we know that it’s roughly on G street, because G is the 7th letter of the alphabet. So, 7 blocks north of the Capitol.

Here’s another. There’s an entrance to a metro station at 355 First St SE.

  • Now we’re in the southeast quadrant—SE.
  • First St tells us we’re one block east of the Capitol.
  • 355 tells us that we’re between C (300) and D  (400) streets, roughly three and a half blocks south of the Capitol. 

If you’d like more details, this page and this page have some good resources.


You might as well eat whilst in DC. But where? So many options! Here are suggestions from trusted sources. All links in this section open in Google Maps.

  • Ted’s Bulletin, casual American diner, Scott Simpson’s choice. Two nearby locations: 505 8th St SE, and 1818 14th St NW. Stephen is also a fan, suggesting the peanut butter bacon burger. Also recommended by Spencer Stokes.
  • Bullfeathers on the Hill, pub-style dining, recommended by Stephen Nelson. Located at 410 First St SE.
  • Medium Rare, a fixed-menu steakhouse, a little further out. Recommended by Stephen Nelson. Located at 3500 Connecticut Ave NW.
  • The Market Lunch, Inside Historic Eastern Market, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. for breakfast. There’s always a line but the Blue Buck (blueberry buckwheat) Pancakes are unrivaled… except for the Johnny Cakes with fruit and real maple syrup. Recommended by Scott Simpson. Located at 225 7th St SE.

Spencer Stokes recommends:

Matt Holton suggests:

  • Old Ebbitt Grill, an iconic tavern serving traditional American that includes oysters, set in Victorian digs, located at 675 15th St NW.
  • Chloe, internationally inspired fare with a bar and casual lunch, located at 1331 4th St SE.
  • Joe’s Seafood, Prime Steak & Stone Crab, an American surf ‘n’ turf serving upmarket fare in a lavish space, located near the White House at 750 15th St NW.
  • Carmine’s Italian Restaurant, low-key Italian, with pizza and other classics, located at 425 7th Street NW at, E St NW.
  • The Smith, a New York City offshoot for upscale American, including brunch, located at 901 F St NW.
  • Rasika, Indian fare in a polished setting, located at 633 D St NW. Another location in in the West End, at 1190 New Hampshire Ave NW. Association team members offer a hearty “here, here!” to this restaurant. Delicious!
  • Albi, a trendy Middle Eastern, Mediterranean restaurant with humus, fish, and meat plates. Located at 1346 4th St SE.
  • Founding Farmers, a cooperative-grower-owned spot serving farm-to-table-themed American in rustic setting. Located at 1924 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
  • Farmers and Distillers, a distillery and eatery with wide-ranging international menu, located at 600 Massachusetts Ave NW or at 1924 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.

No longer at the Association, that is. They’re still happily alive and kicking.

  • Marilyn Pearson recommends Ruth’s Chris, steaks and seafood. Located at 21st and 21st, L St NW. Try the ribeye, sweet potato casserole, sautéed mushrooms, and Ceasar salad
  • Shule Bishop swears by Hunan Dynasty, Chinese. Located at 215 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. Try the crispy prawn with walnuts.
  • Lynn Kuehne (and let’s be honest, most of the rest us) loves–LOVES–Filomena Ristorante, a crowded and loud Italian place with some of the best fare out there. Located at 1063 Wisconsin Ave NW. You should go there at least once.
  • Augusta Scott would like you to visit Le Diplomate and partake of the fine French food in an old-fashioned setting. It’s located at 1601 14th St NW.

In an effort to fulfill their credit union duties, a few of our credit union delegation have been to DC many, many times. As experience is the best teacher, we thought we’d see what kind of places they like.

Jeff Shaw, Wasatch Peaks Credit Union

  • Bobby Van’s Grill, like Ruth’s Chris but with different options. Just as pricey, though. . . . Located at 1201 New York Ave NW.
  • Uno Pizzeria & Grill, Great deep dish Chicago style pizza. Located in Union Station at 50 Massachusetts Ave NW


Kent Streuling, America First Credit Union

  • The Oceanaire Seafood Room, a high-end offering seafood, steaks, and a deep wine list in sophisticated, lively environs. Located at 1201 F St NW.
  • Clyde’s of Gallery Place, a local chain serving classic American dishes in a traditional setting. Located at 707 7th St NW.
  • ChopHouse & Brewery, steaks and sides in a sports bar setting. Located at 509 7th St NW.
  • The Hamilton, a hip American eatery with late hours, lots of room, and a live music space downstairs. Located at 600 14th St NW.
  • The Capital Burger, a steakhouse-branded venue for burgers and fried chicken, boozy shakes–right across the street from the convention center. Located at 1005 7th St NW.


Trena Anderson, Deseret First Credit Union

  • The Oceanaire Seafood Room, a high-end offering seafood, steaks, and a deep wine list in sophisticated, lively environs. Located at 1201 F St NW.
  • Capitol Grille, an upscale American steakhouse in a clubby atmosphere, located at 601 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
  • Filomena Ristorante, where pasta is made in-house, and where during Easter season you can be watched over by creepy Easter Bunnies. The food is top notch. Located at 1063 Wisconsin Ave NW.
  • CHOPT Creative Salad Co., a counter-serve chain where guests create their own salads or wraps from a large array of ingredients. Many locations in DC: 1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; 801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; 618 12th St NW; look on your maps app for other locations.
  • Bullfeathers on the Hill, pub-style dining. Located at 410 First St SE.
  • Hard Rock Cafe, the classic music-themed chain, with burgers and more, located at 999 E St NW.


Suzanne Oliver


DC is a hotspot for things to do and see. Here are a few that the Association Staff particularly enjoy.

National Archives Museum

Feast your eyes on an ancient document or two, such as the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States. 
Cost: free. 
Get more details here. 
Look up the location on Google Maps.

Thomas Jefferson Building

When you go to this breathtaking building, don’t forget to look over the main reading room, and take a peek at an original Gutenberg Bible. 
Cost: free. 
Get more details here. 
Look up the location on Google Maps.

Washington Monument

To tour this iconic monolith, you’ve have to get tickets online, but the sights are worth it! Tickets become available at 10 a.m. each day for the next day. 
Cost: free. 
Get more details here. 
Look up the location on Google Maps.

And here are a few more thoughts on how you might spend a little spare time.

Been to DC many times? Need something new to see? Spencer Stokes has the following suggestions!

Renwick Gallery
A branch museum of the Smithsonian American Art Museum dedicated to contemporary craft and decorative arts. More info here. Located at 1661 Pennsylvanian Avenue NW.

National Portrait Gallery
Also a Smithsonian branch, this museum displays portraits and stories of inspiring Americans. More info here. Located at 8th and G Streets.

President Lincoln’s Cottage
Lincoln’s home during the height of the Civil War, the Gothic-Revival cottage is now a museum. More info here. Located at 140 Rock Creek Church Rd NW.

Eastern Market/ Farmers & Art Market
Bustling marketplace since 1873 featuring a variety of produce, handmade crafts & prepared foods. More info here. Located at 225 7th St SE.

As indicated in the dining section, a few of our credit union folks have spent a little time in DC, fulfilling their credit union duties. Here are some lesser-known activities that they recommend:

International Spy Museum
A little pricey (not a Smithsonian) but really cool.  More info here. Recommended by Jeff Shaw and Kent Streuling. Located at 700 L’Enfant Plaza SW. 

Mount Vernon
The homestead of the Indispensable Man, George Washington. More info here.

You can taxi or Uber out there, but you can also use public transportation (metro/bus).  Recommended by Jeff Shaw and Stephen Nelson (who both have used the public transportation option). Located at 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Hwy, Mt Vernon, VA 22121.

This is something that requires a full day, and probably a rented car. But if you’ve got a full day to spare on the front or back of your trip, it’s a good option. Recommended by Jeff Shaw and Trena Anderson. More info here.

Stephen Nelson adds the following note: “Don’t be afraid to hire a Licensed Battlefield Guide. Worth every penny.”

The National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center is located at 1195 Baltimore Pike, Gettysburg, PA 17325.

United States Botanic Garden
A hidden gem right on the National Mall. More info here. Recommended by Kent Streuling. Located at 100 Maryland Ave SW

Religious sites 
If you like visiting big old churches in Europe, you might enjoy a few of the options around DC.


Trena Anderson’s Favs

  • National Archives, where you can see a bunch of old (important) pieces of paper. Located at 701 Constitution Ave. NW.
  • American History Museum: a vast, venerable museum chronicling American history through displays such as Julia Child’s kitchen. Plus, a huge flag! Located at 1300 Constitution Ave. NW.
  • Air & Space Museum, a museum documenting the history of aviation & space exploration. Looks like timed tickets are currently required. Located at 600 Independence Ave SW.
  • Holocaust Museum, preserving the memory of the Holocaust with permanent and traveling exhibits and educational programs. Timed tickets for $1 required. Located at 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW.
  • Arlington National Cemetery, a vast military cemetery featuring JFK’s eternal flame, Memorial Amphitheater and the Tomb of the Unknowns. If you can time your visit to see the changing of the guard, it’s a good experience. Located at Arlington, VA.
  • All time favorite: just walk/jog along the mall from the Capitol to the Washington Monument and then the Lincoln Memorial! (Just remember, it’s roughly 2 miles one way.)